10 Practical Steps to Fight Depression With Energy Healing
April 6, 2023, By Falgir Editorial Staff
As human beings, we have all experienced feeling sad at some point in our lives, and that is totally normal. In fact, this is what makes us human. Generations have come and gone, but this feeling has always remained. Life is full of different periods for people. There are times when people feel sad and then feel happy the next day. However, if this sadness is something you always carry with you, then chances are you have depression. There's good news here too: this is totally normal. In fact, what the flu does to our body, depression does to our soul and they both have very common treatments and remedies. In this article, we are going to focus on depression and some of its very useful non-medical treatments, such as energy healing.
Here is a Complete List of Depression Symptoms:
Speaking of depression, It is important to realize what exactly it is. Depression is not just a feeling of sadness. It is one of the most common mental health issues that includes many different elements such as emotional issues, hormonal imbalances, and genetic vulnerability.
Depression may be:
Severe and long-termed
Minor and short-termed
Some of the Most Common Symptoms of Depression are as below:
Low mood
Low interest
Feelings of guilt
Low self-worth
Low energy
Poor concentration
Disturbed sleep
Loss of appetite
Anxiety-related headaches or body aches with no specific cause
Suicidal thoughts or actions
Feeling hopeless and helpless
Feeling tearful
Finding it difficult to make decisions
Low sex drive
Stressful life conditions
If you found any of these symptoms in yourself which remained for more than 2-3 weeks, then consider receiving your personalized treatment as soon as possible. Individuals experience depression for different reasons, which is why there is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan for depression. With the complexity involved in the factors that caused depression, you need to find the treatment method that best fits you and your situation.
What Is The Best Method to Treat Depression?
There are different medical and non-medical treatments for depression but if it is one of the long-lasting severe ones, then medication and psychotherapy would be the first treatments. In some cases, a mixture of cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy would be the best option. However, there is one treatment option that ALWAYS works. Even in severe cases when it does not work solely, it is an undeniable complementary treatment solution that is completely natural and has no side effects. It is called ENERGY HEALING. It has been one of the most popular treatment options and it is gaining more value day by day.
Through energy healing, you have the power to create the life you want. We will show you how.
10 Practical Steps to Fight Depression With Energy Healing
1- Believe
The only way to achieve something great is to believe in something great. In fact, this short quote is the foundation of life. The only way to succeed is to believe in something so passionately that it becomes a reality. Having faith in YOU and YOUR ENERGY is crucial when you are battling depression or anxiety. Believe in your inner powers, and remember that even if your abilities are hidden from you, they are still there. Find them in you, build them up, and be the director of your life. Life is made of energies and frequencies, and you are the powerful driving energy that leads your life. The choice is yours whether to open your arms to a miracle and get healed or to believe in all the negativity that surrounds you. When it comes to believing in something, don’t forget the power of writing your thoughts down. It can be written on your mirror or the refrigerator, but see it every day and believe in the power of words.
2- Start with small things
The energy to heal yourself is within you. Start activating this energy in small, minor daily life issues. Suppose the TV is on and you see a piece of the sad news that has the potential to ruin your day or a paper is brought to your home and the catchy tragic headline on the front page breaks your heart; exactly at this very routine moment, tell yourself: I will ignore the sad news and heal my heart. Send this positive energy into your soul and feel the difference. You will see that when you can fight a simple negative emotion with the power of your energy, why not fight depression and all the gloomy clouds in your life’s sky?
3- Reiki healing meditation
Based on an Eastern belief, Reiki therapy concentrates on the flow of vital energy through your body. A Reiki practitioner guides this energy by gently touching your body or placing their hands just above your body in order to promote balance and healing. In addition to counseling and medication for mental health conditions, alternative treatments like Reiki may help the patient feel lighter by relaxing the body and removing accumulated stress.
A number of studies have shown that Reiki may provide relief from physical conditions such as migraines and throbbing headaches. Additionally, it has been shown to reduce depression and distress symptoms.
The treatment of depression and other mental health problems is widely available. There is, however, a difference in how quickly and effectively these measures will work depending on how severe the condition is. Moreover, conventional treatments and remedies using antidepressant medicines have unforeseen side effects. Reiki healing for depression has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many people are just now becoming aware of energy healing for depression, though it has been around for a long time. The fact that Reiki healing doesn’t require your physical presence is an advantage we cannot neglect. It is also more convenient and comes with zero side effects. If you are seeking natural ways to manage depression, consider spiritual energy healing.
Additionally, Reiki can be used to support psychotherapy treatments. Essentially, Reiki is a form of energy healing that is channeled through the body. A Reiki session can calm your energy field, making you feel more relaxed whenever other obstacles arise. It could help release tension in your body, providing tension relief, and preventing or treating ongoing headaches, migraines, and other muscle tension issues.
It was confirmed by multiple discussions with mental health professionals in Hong Kong and internationally that Reiki is an incredibly supportive tool for people with mental health issues, as it is a form of self-care that does not require a great deal of talking in the process, and is a form of remote healing. Those with mental health issues can obtain Reiki's healing benefits without needing to talk about their problems in detail, which can be exhausting for them.
Despite its popularity as an alternative therapy, Reiki does not discount science's healing powers. As a matter of fact, it complements existing mental health treatments. It is interesting to know that Reiki also supports physical health issues, which is why many major hospitals like Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, and so forth offer Reiki.
In order to benefit from the Reiki healing method, you can check out some online courses that offer both the opportunity to get a certificate and to fight depression.
Here is a list of the best online Reiki courses:
4- Relaxing Reiki Music
Reiki music is a type of music that is typically used during Reiki healing sessions, though it can also be used for meditation and personal use outside of any type of healing. This music is not necessarily a genre but instead a type of music with the purpose of soul and mind relaxation. It usually does not have any vocals, or if it does, it is more of a chant. Reiki music is often very calming, lacking any harsh notes or sudden changes in sound, and will usually be played quietly. As a result, there will typically be no sudden changes in pitch or tone, allowing the music to flow smoothly between movements.
Reiki music is typically used to help a person relax and assist the person in entering a meditative or trance state. This can be done during Reiki healing practices or outside of a healing session, often helping a person enter into a deeply relaxing, meditative state. This type of meditative state may help a person receive more excellent beneficial effects from the actual physical healing process, or it may simply help a person relax and overcome stress, anxiety, or depression.
This is a Reiki master or practitioner who runs a Reiki healing session. The basic idea is that a Reiki master can manipulate channels of energy that flow throughout a person, and by doing this, he or she can physically affect that person’s health and well-being. The music used during Reiki healing sessions usually creates a soothing background sound that allows the person to gently enter into a meditative state.
It might be interesting to know that Reiki music has been proven to calm even pets and animals. So when playing, not only you and the people around you will benefit from the calming atmosphere, but if you have a pet that is experiencing a stressful situation, it can also take advantage of it. It is highly recommended for people who feel depressed both during Reiki healing sessions and outside of any healing session during the day.
Here is a list of the most popular Reiki music you can enjoy listening to:
5- Reiki-guided Sleep meditation
This kind of meditation is a kind of energy healing meditation. It is known to everyone that lack of sleep can affect your mood and increase anxiety. Therefore, if one of your depression symptoms is having challenges falling asleep, try Reiki-guided sleep meditation. This kind of sleep meditation is a Reiki-style body scan for deep sleep. Try it once, and you will see how beneficial it is. Please be aware that the more you learn to combat your negative feelings such as anxiety and hopelessness, the stronger your soul will be to defeat depression. So consider all these tasks and put them all together if you want to live a happier and healthier life and kill the sadness inside you.
6- Kundalini Yoga
According to Wikipedia, Kundalini yoga is the energy that lies within the body, frequently at the navel or the bottom of the spine. Kundalini is taken into account to be dormant until it's activated and channeled upward through the central channel in a very process of spiritual perfection. Kundalini yoga combines chanting, singing, movements, and inhaling in specific patterns. As the description suggests Kundalini Yoga includes movements and poses which activate your inner energy and let it move through your body. This energy is the healing energy that promotes spirituality and this is exactly what we need to combat anxiety and depression.
7- Be in contact with the ones who believe in energy healing
When it comes to energy healing therapy, you must try to absorb all the positive intuitive energy around you, and for that, being in company with positive people, especially the ones who believe in what you do and how you are fighting your depression would be of great value. Such accompanies can lift your mood up when you are down and remind you of your mission which is to heal yourself with your positive energy.
8- Placebo-These wonderful pills will change your life
Do you know what placebos are? They are pills with no medical power but spiritual power. The point is that the person who is taking it is not aware that the pill has no medication inside. In other words, they believe that these pills will cure them because they have the necessary medication in them and the doctor has prescribed it for them. Guess what? This pill will help the user get healed just because of his or her belief. Just because the user has faith in the power of the pill. Do you see how your faith and beliefs can change your life? In case of depression, believe that the powerful pill is your healing energy and that the doctor has prescribed it for you.
9- Wellness-Centers and the undeniable power of energy healing
You might have heard of people who are hopeless with chronic diseases like cancer, and their doctors do not have any other treatment options for them. It is in such hopeless moments that the power of a miracle comes into play. I have seen so many people who have survived cancer through energy healing sessions. People did not give up until the last moment, even in the toughest moments of life. People who believed in nothing but themselves and their energy.
In the case of depression, there are different wellness centers with various energy healing sessions with Chakra Connection and Magnetic Passes techniques.
10- Chakra cleansing
According to some spiritual views, our body is more than just physical and mental, it’s also an energetic system called chakras. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel or cycle. We have 7 chakras in our body, but the solar plexus chakra is responsible for depression. On an emotional level, if the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, it is believed to cause feelings of depression and low self-esteem. When it’s balanced, it becomes a source of energy, productivity, and confidence. Chakras are thought to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best.
Some healing practices for this chakra involve physical activities like starting a yoga practice or any other exercise that involves body movement. As the element of the solar plexus chakra is fire, the sun provides healing energy. Exercising or walking outside for at least 20-30 minutes every day.
In Conclusion, For people with depression, life is hard. But there are a lot of treatment options out there. You only need to pick the most suitable one for you. Consider that every treatment you pick might have side effects, but the very good thing about sending healing energy is that there are no side effects for it. It is all-natural. It is built by you. It teaches you how to self-care and improve your inner abilities. It might seem a bit challenging at first especially if you do not have faith in yourself but like so many other actions, the most difficult part is the first step. Take the first step and let the energy of your soul heal your soul. As the reason for depression is different for different people, you must find the treatment which works best for you. The key is not to give up and if you think one way does not work for you, try the other way. Most of the time for most people who suffer from depression, mixing at least 3 to 4 of the above-mentioned treatments would help. Remember when it comes to severe long-lasting depression, energy healing is not the sole factor in treatment. It is with medical treatment that it works best. However, in most cases, energy healing courses such as Reiki meditation sessions along with Reiki music and Reiki-guided sleep meditation would work as a useful combination. If you want to fight depression, remember there are some physical actions you need to take such as Reiki Meditation, and some non-physical actions such as believing in yourself and working on your energy powers.