Can Tarot Be Read Remotely (over the phone, for example)?

April 13, 2023, By Falgir Editorial Staff


11 Reasons Why Phone Tarot Readings Are Better Than Face-To-Face

- You Can Record Your Session

- You Can Have a Safe & Anonymous Session

- The Reader’s Focus Is Only On You

- You Feel At Home

- You, Will Let The Psychic Tap On To Your Energy

-You Have No Geographical Limitations

-A More Flexible Refund Policy

-More Seasonal Offers And Discounts

-The Psychic Has No Clues And Impressions 

-You Don’t Waste Your Time By Waiting 

-Live Translation

How Accurate Are Phone Psychic Readings?

What Happens During An Online Psychic Reading?



You might wonder if this is possible for a psychic medium to read your Tarot or Coffee without seeing you face to face! If you are curious to see how over-the-phone psychic sessions work, how accurate they are, and learn why telephone psychic readings are better than face-to-face, then read on!

Due to the ease of performing tasks remotely, activities such as meetings, classes, and lectures that are normally conducted face-to-face are becoming more common in a remote setting. Psychic readings are usually done face-to-face, with the client interacting directly with the psychic to get a reading; however, psychic readings over the phone have become more and more popular thanks to technology.

In addition to the improvement in technology, with the Coronavirus outbreak, people tend to become more familiar with online ways of shopping, learning, working, and even communicating. Since online approaches have proven to be more effective in so many cases, they have started to use them more than ever before.

Phone psychic reading, though, is one of the things that had been done among clients even before the pandemic. However, no one can ignore that many tarot readers have transitioned online in response to pandemic regulations and health precautions. The increase in psychic readings over the phone or using applications such as Zoom was evident even before the pandemic. 

What I am trying to say is that it is not only because of the pandemic restrictions that so many face-to-face psychic readings have given way to online reading sessions, but even before the pandemic, people tended to have online psychic sessions for many different reasons, and factors, which we are going to fully discuss in this article.

11 Reasons Why Phone Tarot Readings Are Better Than Face-To-Face

If you're used to reading fortunes through tarot cards or crystal balls, you might find that an over-the-phone reading is a nonsense experience since the psychic can't see you. Even if you are against the new way of living and prefer the traditional means of communication, such as face-to-face, I suggest that you take a look at some advantages that online spiritual readings have over face-to-face ones:

1- You Can Record Your Session

I’m sure you have had the experience of forgetting what your psychic reader just told you after your reading is done. Sometimes we are just nervous, or the psychic might speak so fast that you will miss some pieces of information they provide. When it is online, you have nothing to worry about! You can record it and listen to it or read it again whenever you want!

2- You Can Have a Safe & Anonymous Session

There are some people who might not want to be seen by any acquaintances while in a psychic’s or intuitive’s office due to some personal reasons. When your reading is online, you won’t see any other clients waiting in the same room with you; so you can be sure that you are safe and anonymous, and your privacy is guaranteed!

3- The Reader’s Focus Is Only On You

When it comes to over-the-phone or online psychic reading sessions, the psychic reader is much more relaxed since they don’t have to worry about the clients waiting outside and can fully concentrate on their reading and take all the time they need to guide and help the person they are talking to.

4- You Feel At Home

A positive aspect of online psychic sessions is that the client can relax and feel more comfortable since there is no face-to-face interaction, and people are often more themselves when they are in their own home environment. A common misconception about phone tarot readings is that they are ineffective. However, they prove to be beneficial for both the client and the psychic. One reason is that clients are more comfortable at home.

5- You, Will, Let The Psychic Tap On To Your Energy

When you are relaxed at home, you can let the psychic pick up on your energy easier and in a more efficient way. Clients usually call from their homes, where they tend to be more confident and convey their feelings, desires, and questions about the things that they want to know. They can also comfortably discuss or ask about personal topics with no negative energy readings. A phone reading gives the client a feeling of anonymity, where they can have natural energy released due to being calm and relaxed. When clients are being their true selves over the phone, it is easier for psychics to tap into their energy fields in their natural state, which can help them provide accurate readings.

6- You Have No Geographical Limitations

If you book an online psychic session from an online platform, you have access to a variety of psychics with different backgrounds and nationalities. You are not limited to your place of living. You can easily click on your phone and contact a Chinese astrologer while sitting on your couch and having your conversation. Distance readings make it possible to have readings with intuitive readers from all over the world, so you are not limited by geography when it comes to choice.

7- A More Flexible Refund Policy

Most online psychic networks and platforms have a refund policy. So even if you are unhappy with your psychic reading session, you can easily claim a full refund and get back your money. This is something that won't usually happen in the case of face-to-face sessions.

8- More Seasonal Offers And Discounts

Online psychic networks will provide you with more seasonal offers and discounts. When you go to a face-to-face psychic, it is just you and the psychic, but on online psychic platforms, you are not the only client, and your psychic is not the only psychic; therefore, the company is able to provide you with more offers and discounts. such as a 20% discount on your second psychic reading with your favorite psychic on the website or a Halloween coupon code gift.

9- The Psychic Has No Clues And Impressions 

Online psychic sessions are much more reliable. You might wonder why? This is because almost every normal person with no gifts or psychic abilities will get some impressions about you when first seeing you. They may understand how old you are if you are married or single, depressed or happy, and more. They may also notice how you react to what they say, and all these clues will help them give you better psychic advice. However, when a psychic cannot see you in person, they have to rely on their skills and abilities. They don’t have such clues, and you can easily test their powers and accuracy in a much more effective way.

10- You Don’t Waste Your Time By Waiting 

You know that almost all psychic offices are busy with clients, and if you are a frequent client, you know that most of the time it takes longer to get into the psychic room than you expected. Even if you have scheduled an appointment with your psychic, you will have to wait for the other clients. But in online sessions and with reliable platforms, such delays never happen. By contacting the psychic yourself right at your appointment time, you don't have to wait long and waste your time.

11- Live Translation

Some online platforms will even offer you a live translation service, which means you can pick a Chinese psychic and get your reading translated by a live, real translator. Interesting.Ha?

How Accurate Are Telephone Psychic Readings?

Here, we’ll explore and find out how accurate psychic readings are over the phone and whether you should get one. It is worth mentioning that psychic reading accuracy varies with the reader’s ability.

After all, not everyone has the experience to do online psychic sessions. You need to find a trustworthy psychic. When a psychic is skilled and reliable, they can sense the energy field of their clients even when they are communicating over the phone. In order to do this, the psychic reader and advisor must prepare themselves by practicing meditation and opening their hearts and minds. Online psychic reading has left many people wondering, "Can telephone tarot card readings still be read over the phone accurately?”

The short answer is, “Of course!” 

We have interviewed many readers and intuitive with an average of five to ten years of experience who delivered both online and face-to-face reading sessions to their clients. They all said that where or how a psychic reading is delivered has no bearing on its accuracy or effectiveness.

It can If the person reading for you picks up on your energy and the energies around you, they can read your tarot or coffee. It can be really accurate if the reader is professional. If the reader is not qualified enough, it doesn't make any difference if you are psychically close to them or not. They cannot pick up on your energy, so your reading won’t be accurate.

When booking a reading, remember:

What matters is the reader's skill, not the tool you use to commute with them

Tarot cards do not need to be touched or physically chosen for them to work. It was long before the pandemic that readers were communicating via phone, email, and Skype.

What Happens During an Online Psychic Reading?

Usually, the psychic asks the client to close their eyes and focus on the question being asked. Psychics try to meditate as they shuffle the cards, asking their intuitive selves for guidance.

1- They feel they have formed a connection with their client. 

2- They stop shuffling the deck when they feel the client is ready and choose the cards to be placed in the spread.

3- Then they fan the cards out and hover their hand over the cards. 

4- They stop at the cards the client feels are the cards to be read.

5- After that, they flip over the cards and deliver the reading.

6- They interpret the cards according to the psychic connection they have made during their meditation.

7- Then, they draw additional cards to clarify the meaning of any cards that have ambiguous meanings.

Finally, they ask the client further questions to help shed light on the question asked and get a thorough background on the underlying forces at play.

Note: Trust is an essential thing when it comes to a psychic reading. The most important part of the consultation over the phone is trusting your psychic to do most of the talking. Psychics who offer readings over the phone have the experience and capability to provide such a service, and not all psychics provide this reading as their strength. The life energy coming from your voice should be enough for them to get the psychic information they need that can help them make accurate readings for the answers that you seek.


Psychic readings can be done face-to-face, over the phone, or through online applications such as Zoom. Reading online has long been popular with its fans, and it was not introduced after the pandemic. There are a lot of positive aspects to online psychic readings. Such as having no geographical limitations when picking your favorite psychic or waiting for your turn in a psychic office for a long time.

Psychic readings can be accurate over the phone because the most important thing in a psychic reading is the ability of the reader and not the face-to-face interactions they make while communicating. If they are skilled enough, they can tap into your energy and read your fortune accurately; if they do not have the gift, they can never feel the energy and read your tarot or coffee. 

It is important for psychics to be able to give accurate readings without having to rely on visual cues or interact directly with the customer.

A genuine psychic who is skilled can work with their clients without being present in the same room. It should still be possible for them to access their clients' life energy fields and give accurate readings despite the distance. 

All in all, if you're wondering whether psychic readings over the phone are accurate, the short answer is yes.

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Falgir is the most incredible network of trusted psychics, providing the best phone psychic readings to help you find answers to your most burning questions about love, relationships, career, and more.

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