Everything you need to know about natal chart reading in simple language

March 16, 2023, By Falgir Editorial Staff

Table of contents:

  • Introduction

  • Here is what birth charts are in a simple description!

  • Here are the three important parts of the natal chart

  • Let's focus on how the natal birth chart works

  • Now dive into each house to see what they do

  1.  House of self/Ascendant

  2. House of Income 

  3. House of communication

  4. House of home

  5. House of pleasure

  6. House of Maintenance

  7. House of relationship

  8. House of Debt 

  9. House of travel

  10. House of career

  11. House of friends

  12. House of unconscious     

  •  The strange and yet astonishing language of the houses

  • Are the natal charts practical tools to predict the future?

Everything you need to know about natal chart reading in simple language

Is it hard for you to understand the natal birth chart? Are you here because you have questions in your mind and think the natal chart will help you get to your answers? But when you try to get to those answers, you face a complicated chart that is impossible to understand without a guide! It is hard to figure out your natal chart on your own. It is a chart full of signs and forms in a language strange to us. If you want to grasp the meaning behind your chart, you need to study the language that presents those signs.

You are in the right place if you want to understand the 12 houses of astrology and their significance better. Here you will know why people talk about them and why they will not die out as a trend.

In this article, you will get some ideas about the language of the natal chart and how to read it better. You will read some simplified information about the most important signs on the birth chart. Plus, you will get to learn about the planetary positions and their effects on natal birth charts.

Here is what birth charts are in a simple description!

What is a natal chart? The natal birth chart is a map of the planets and their positions at the precise moment of your birth. This map could also apply to the beginning of a relationship, problem, or dilemma.

There are different birth charts for different things in life but the most common birth chart is the natal birth chart of a person. Planetary positions and their effects are a big topic in birth charts. The natal birth chart of a person uses the planets and their positions to identify many aspects of that person's life!

By understanding the signs, symbols, and language of the map, you will get a better insight into the personality of an individual.

 Birth charts can help us get a deeper sense of who we are and what we should do. They are like spiritual guides showing us the way in a more clear and reassuring manner! Planets are the core objects in a natal chart. The way they are positioned and the distance they are placed from each other can change the map and interpretation of it so much! So, you might wonder, what the planets are and what they symbolize.

Let’s have a quick look at them:

Here are the three important parts of the natal chart:

  • First; the inner planets:

  1. Sun

 2. Moon

 3. Mercury

 4. Venus

 5. Mars

  • Next; outer planets:

 1. Jupiter

 2. Saturn

3. Uranus

4. Neptune

 5. Pluto

  • And finally, there are:

 1. Ascendant

 2. MidHeaven

Let's take a look at their meaning and function:

The inner planets:


Sign of Sun:

In simple terms, the Sun is who we are. It is our ego. We are bodies going around the sun being our true selves in our very core!

Just like the sun gives the earth warmth and light, and gives it the life it has, it also gives us its light and shows us the way when we are in darkness.

Sun is the light, the guide, and the leader who tells us who we are and who we want to be. It helps us find the truth about ourselves.


Sign of Moon:

The moon is our dark side. The side of comfort! When we are truly ourselves and do not worry about judgments. The moon represents our emotions, our instincts, and how we respond to different situations.

It represents that part of our personality that is we, being ourselves just as we are!


Sign of Mercury:

Mercury is the planet associated with communication. It is the planet that represents our way of expressing ourselves. It shows us how we perceive the world and approach it.

Mercury tells us how we present ourselves in different situations in life. How we express ourselves in groups and communities, and how we try to face and resolve the issues we encounter in life.

All in all, Mercury is how we live our day-to-day lives and how we manage them.


Sign of Venus:

The love planet. Venus represents love and beauty. Venus is the essence of romantic life. It involves our romantic emotions and our attitude toward love.

Venus is also the base of beauty. Everything beautiful resides within Venus. Arts, habits, pleasure, and all the fun that we desire and love present Venus.


Sign of Mars:

Mars is our instincts. Everything within that area is associated with Mars. Mars is the planet of action. What we do in life. Our motivation is derived from Mars.

What does that mean? It means our “will” to get up and go to work, our desire to read that book, watch that movie, and learn that language. Everything that involves willpower is what Mars represents to us.

The Outer planets:


Sign of Jupiter:

One thing you should know is that there are social planets. Jupiter is the first one of them. What Jupiter teaches us is growth. What kind of growth? spiritual and mental growth.

In Jupiter, we find wisdom, freedom, reach, and purpose. When we read and analyze Jupiter, we get to have a broader sense of understanding.


Sign of Saturn:

It's time to get to another aspect of who we are. Responsibility. It also involves all the things that come with it. Limitations and prohibitions.

What Saturn gives us is a structured and disciplined life. It is the planet that tells us to face realities in life; so much away from sentimentality, Saturn presents a more rational state of who we are.

When we make rules, we follow what Saturn teaches us. Rules and restrictions are what Saturn is about.


Sign of Uranus:

As the name suggests, Uranus is right above us in the skies. It is linked to the heavens! What do we learn from skies and heaven? enlightenment and growth. Uranus makes us develop who we are and learn from the procedure.

One other thing, Uranus is the heart of who we are in our very unique way. The uniqueness that is only for us and nobody else is like that. In a way, Uranus celebrates individuality and uniqueness. The urge to be who you are and stop fitting in.


Sign of  Neptune:

What are we beyond our ordinary lives? In the mystic realms where impossible actions happen, and the mind can feel what it can't in everyday life, that is where Neptune belongs.

Neptune is the spirituality we try to achieve in our lives. It is the dream, and the imagination we see and have. Neptune has a strong connection with intuition and mindfulness.

Basically with Neptune, we get to experience the things we cannot in real life. It is the land of dreams and illusions. There are no limitations and boundaries when it comes to Neptune.


The Two signs of Pluto:

This one is a dark one. Pluto is everything that is associated with death and the underworld. Unlike Uranus which was about the skies and the world up there, Pluto is all about what's beneath us on the earth.

It is connected to birth and rebirth. It is linked to change and transformation. Pluto is the planet that teaches us to explore deeper into concepts and meaning. It challenges us to enlightenment and transition to get better and live a fuller life.

The final part:


Ascendant is how people see us. It is the rising Sun; Our beginning. That is why this is the very first house on the chart. It is how people get to know us on the surface. Ascendant is the face and appearance we choose to show others.

NOTE: Ascendant is a combination of moon and sun. It involves the two parts of selves, the dark side of us and the light side. It is your desires and your needs.

This is the very first thing you present to others as a part of yourself. It is the very first-hand perception of life we make as an individual.



The last concept is Midheaven. Midheaven is your path in life. It is the more practical and career-based sign among all others. This is the feeling you have when you think about your achievements. It is that sensation you have when you think about the world after your death and what you want to leave as your mark.

Midheaven is not much of spirituality but mostly what is visible to our own eyes and society. The mere physical achievements.

The picture illustrates the direction in which a birth chart should be read.

Let's focus on how the natal birth chart works:

How a birth chart works is very easy to comprehend. All you have to do is provide your time, date, and place of birth. This three-piece of data are very important in getting a precise birth chart reading. You need to know the planet's position to get a clear map of your birth chart. So, try to get that time as close as possible if you do not know what time you were born.

As mentioned before, try to get your birth time as close to your real-time birth as possible, that will somehow do the trick for you to read your birth chart in-depth!

After providing these data, you can enter them into any free birth chart reading site and get your unique map! But what is a birth chart reading? And how do you read a natal chart? We are going to get you a very simple answer by providing some essential detail about this map

Now dive into the houses to get a clear understanding of your natal chart, let’s take a close look at the natal chart and its  12 houses of astrology! Let me ask you a question:

What do houses in astrology mean?

Position of the Natal chart houses in order and their ruling planet is shown in red just above each house.

Take a close look at the picture above. What do you see? You see 8 planets, two signs, one star, and a moon. Now, what do the planets have to do with the houses?

The planets, Sun, and Moon are the celestial bodies hanging around the sky. We have 10 of these! Then there are the signs! Ascendant and Midheaven.

The 12 houses on your birth chart represent different aspects of life. They show different parts of our lives and personality and have nothing to do with the skies and celestial bodies. Each planet, star, and moon have a different meaning and represent something unique. Now if a planet is in one of your houses, then that area of your life and personality is affected by that specific planet.

Let me give you a clear example:

Venus represents love and romance. If it is in your first house, the House of Self, then it interprets that you have a romantic and loving nature. 

If there are  3 or 4 celestial bodies in one of your houses then it means they all have an impact on that part and that area of your life is very powerful in your everyday life. 

To be more clear, houses are life- areas and celestial bodies are the symbols and traits that affect those areas.

1-House of Self - Ascendant:

In ancient times, astrologers referred to this house as The Helm. This house is also the rising sun. The sun that came up to see you the exact moment you were born.

Keep in mind that this first house is all about you. It is who you are and what is the deepest construct of your being.

2-House of Income:

The second house in the chart is all about money. In the olden times, it was called the Gates of Hades. 

This house is what feeds your desires, it is what you love and want; this is why they called it the Gates of Hades. Because when it comes to desires we lose control and let them take the wheel and lead us.

When it comes to value, it goes both ways; worldly values and spiritual values. Let me give a clear example: The second house is when you think about your actions and your money-spending habits. It is when you think do I need it or do I just want it?  Also, another topic in this house is security.

3-House of communication:

The house of the Goddess was the name of the third house in ancient times. There are many topics in this house and the most prominent one is communication. Other topics include friendship, family, taking trips, and the environment.

This house is full of joy and excitement. It is where social life is. It is where people get together to chat and converse. The third house is where you learn your skills and your favorite crafts;  where you learn to flirt and score, and where you go on a one-day road trip for the sake of fun!

The moon is on this house. All the movements and conversations and the fun you get to have is because of the movements of the moon!

4- House of Home:

As the name spits it out, this house is linked to home, family life, and privacy. It was called The Lowest Heaven in ancient times. This house is where you figure out your roots; your ancestors. It is the lowest heaven because the sun goes into the darkness here, and awaits the morning so it can come back to light.

It is private, dark, and full of secrets. Something that does not let out what is in its heart. This house is the beginning and the end. 

5-The House of Pleasure:

The fifth house is the house of love and fertility. It is linked to Venus and is on the topic of connection. It is a happy house that is referred to as fortune. In the olden days, it was called the Good Fortune house. It is exactly as the house suggests; full of pleasure and good things taking place at the heart of it; things like love, sex, children, and creativity. People with strong fifth house placement, see life as a mere pleasure without which it loses all its meaning.

6-House of Maintenance:

Now, this house is a fun turn of events. How come? well, because it is called the Bad Fortune. This house is the ideal house for the planet Mars. It is full of departure, separation, and conflict. This is the house of discomfort and uneasiness; a house of daily dread. It does not matter whether it's a serious problem that gives you discomfort or a responsibility;they can be found in this house!

It is called the house of maintenance because here you learn to manage and deal with your illness, injuries, and problems.

‌‌In the house of Bad Fortune, you learn piety; you learn to manage your desires and tolerate your pain. One other topic in the sixth house is “small animals”, Interesting, ha? It connects to routine and  the discipline our pets bring into our lives by being present in it!

7-House of Relationships:

The house of relationships! This is not just a house about romantic relationships. The seventh house includes all sorts of relationships between two individuals. Negotiation, Friendships, best friends, and contracts are included here.

This house is located on the horizon, and since the sun sets there, it is also associated with death. This is the house in which we break up with our partner, get married, become the bigger person, and start a new relationship.

8-House of Debt:

This one is a bit tricky! The eighth house is about how you react to other people's values and assets. It is how you take care of them and respect those values.

The house of debt also shows how much of a generous man or woman you are. How can you face loss and misfortune? 

In the eighth house, you face topics like death, loss, and unavoidable life circumstances!

9-House of Travel:

We get to the ninth house. Formerly known as the House of the God; this house includes topics like long journeys! People with strong nine-house placements pursue higher-level education and become teachers and professors.

Also since the ninth house is close to the academic type of life, we can see religion and professors in it. The House of Travel shows us long spiritual journeys, finding beliefs that make us who we are, and form the way we live!

10-House of Career:

This house is where we face midheaven! Our public image and how we present ourselves to the physical world out there. The way we manage our career, our connections. This is our reputation. It is what we leave behind after we die.

The tenth house favors those powerful figures in society. People who are powerful in society and dominate others have a strong tenth house placement.

That part of our lives which we are proud of and rub in other people's faces as our accomplishments is what the tenth house is about!

11-House of friends:

The name gives up the meaning. The eleventh house is about your friends and all those people who love you and stay by your side in life!

This house is where we see group activities and social life. Sometimes we can encounter co-workers, acquaintances, and people who form our social circle in general.

Jupiter, the planet of dreams and ambition, is at its best in this house. This is exactly why topics like far-fetched dreams, ambition, and goals are common topics here.

This house reflects on personal growth and hard work to achieve the things you dream of. House of Good Spirit is the ancient name of this house!

12-House of unconscious:

This is where Saturn is the most content! The house of the unconscious is also known as bad spirit. The twelfth house is detached from the physical world. It is the mystic realm we can never see with our earthly eyes but with our minds.

Everything from dreams to fantasies, to our wildest thoughts, is what this house represents.

In this part of the chart, you get to see signs of seeing beyond ordinary life. Also, this house teaches us about acceptance. Accepting what is and what we cannot change. It teaches us to give up and let go when we have to.

The house of the unconscious teaches us about sacrifice and intuition. It tells us to try and see beyond things, cross the surface, dive deeper; see real meaning in things and give up what we have, and help those who need it.

People with strong twelfth house placements tend to become seers, psychics, and mediums!

The following table is a simplified guide to help you get a better understanding of the features of a natal chart:

The table shows the houses, their ruling planets, the house’s theme, and the lessons they have for us.

The strange and yet astonishing language of the houses:

It is necessary to read the natal chart correctly. It determines many aspects of one's personality and one mistake can change everything.

So, what is the language of the chart? How can you read the natal chart? When we use the word language it does not mean any language like English or French, but rather the way charts communicate their meanings to us!

Here is how we understand the language of the chart:

  • The very first thing you should look for in your chart is your anchor which is the Ascendant! It is the rising sun and shows which zodiac sign was emerging at the exact moment of your birth! Interesting ha?

  • The Ascendant helps us figure out the chart's architecture, its ruling planet, and the planets and their positions.

  • One other fact to help us understand the language of the chart is that they are read counterclockwise!

  • The Ascendant's horizontal line makes up the first house in the chart, we start with the descendent at the right side of the horizon. Then work our way up from there.

  • The twelve houses which circle the Ascendant to the north sum up the cycle!

Are the natal charts practical tools to predict the future?

Can we predict the future with the natal chart? Many people have asked the same question before you and will ask after you. That is a very controversial question!

Most people who have their natal chart read by an astrologer are amazed by the amount of accuracy and truthfulness. Science believes that the position of the moon, stars, and planets can not determine one's future. That is respectable, but how come many predictions have come true during many centuries? How come great kings and queens had their royal astrologers and they trusted them with their lives?

This is why the answer to this question depends a big deal on who you are, and how spiritual your life and thoughts are. It all depends on what you believe and what you want to believe because, in the end, we are what we think of most. We are what we believe. We manifest what we desire and have faith in!

People who believe in forces beyond ordinary life and practice spirituality are more likely to get things that others may think impossible. Because we only get what we ask for the most! One of the great ways to live a happy and fulfilling life is to get to know who we are!

In-depth natal chart analysis is a perfect tool that can provide accurate details and insights into your personality.

In times of confusion and dilemma, a professional natal chart reading that is only about you and your natal birth chart, if interpreted by an expert, can be so helpful to find out yourself and your purpose in life. So, why not give it a try?

Have you ever seen the map of your natal chart? Were you able to read it? Have you had an astrologer read it for you? How was your experience? Was it accurate? What do you think of natal birth charts? Please share your experience with us!

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