Aquarius Horoscope Today
Saturday, March 08, 2025
Your gracious, tender nature is likely to be extremely appreciated today, Aquarius. You may feel as if your head is so far up in the clouds that you can't get anything done. The truth of the matter is that the work you need to do is actually found up in those clouds. Trust that you've taken care of the foundation. The thing you need to do now is relax and let your fantasies lead the way.
About Aquarius
Popularity comes from knowing what's going on socially. When you give people what they want, you feel powerful, but when you're forced to interact with others personally, you might actually slow down and feel uncomfortable. Aquarius’ best match is found when there is a level of intimacy between Aquarius and their lover. You should seek out a competent astrologer if you want to unlock your desire to be loved by many. Thus, you will be able to direct it in the right direction. This will be a soulmate who can satisfy you more than anyone else can.
Aquarius Facts
Dates: January 20 - February 18
Symbol: Water-bearer
Sociability Scale: Extreme Extrovert
Optimist Scale: Extreme Optimist
Best Day of the Week: Saturday
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: The Dog
Friends Who Keep Your Secrets: Pisces, Virgo
Aquarius Most Compatible Month: June
Aquarius Earth Sign: The Deep Breath
Key Area of Your Body: Ankles
Ruling Planet: Uranus & Saturn
Karmic Love Partner: Leo
Aquarius Birthstone: Amethyst