Everything You Need to Know about the meaning behind dreams!

January 1, 2023, By Falgir Editorial Staff

What is a dream?

7 Types of dreams:

  • False dreams

  • Recurring dreams

Why do we have recurring dreams?

Most common recurring dreams

  • Prophetic dreams

  • Lucid dreams

  • Nightmares

Why do you always have bad dreams? What does it say about you?

25 Most common dreams and their meanings

  1. Being chased

  2. Losing teeth

  3. Death

  4. Flying

  5. Pregnancy

  6. Being naked

  7. Falling

  8. Violence

  9. Snake

  10. Water

  11. Ex-Lover

  12. Cat

  13. The person you love

  14. Jungle

  15. Having Superpowers

  16. Ghosts and supernatural

  17. Money

  18. Fighting

  19. Being lost

  20. Talking to dead

  21. Being haunted

  22. Being killed

  23. Killing someone close to you

  24. Being tortured

  25. Being robbed

How can we interpret dreams?

Who is a reliable dream interpreter?

Everything You Need to Know about the meaning behind dreams!

Do you often have dreams? Do you remember them all? What is the meaning behind dreams?

Many people look for dream interpretation after they have one! People deal with different types of dreams every night. There are people with recurring dreams. Some others often experience a horrific nightmare.

Do you often wonder about the meaning of your dreams? Do you have strange dreams? Or Vivid dreams? Then it is time to get to know what dreams are, and how we can understand them better!

What is a dream?

If you check the meaning of the word" Dream" in a dictionary, it says that dreams are thoughts that occur in our sleep.

Different types of dreams happen as a result of brain activity. Our dreams are what our mind is processing at the time of sleep. So, next time you are having a nightmare, you should take a deeper look at your recent feelings.

Humans dream almost every night for 2 hours. So, we can have many dreams in one night. Each dream usually lasts around 20 minutes.

We can forget our dreams at night for many reasons, such as hunger. We can have various dreams, and all this usually depends on who we are and what is going on in our life.

In dreams, we can be different from real life, and experience impossible things. Many things can happen without much effort; the things we desire the most!

But are these satisfying answers to all the questions we have about dreams? Is it enough to say dreams are only biological reactions of our brain to our feelings or are they more than that?

There is no definite answer to what dreams exactly are. We do not know the real mystery behind it. But we know one thing; dreams can say a lot about who you are and what is going on with you.

Dreams can show your true and innermost feelings and guide you when you feel lost. So, how can we understand dreams better?

7 Types of Dreams

Before getting to the part where we talk about different types of dreams, let's take a look at the stages of our sleep. One thing you should know about dreams is that they happen when we are in a deep state of sleep.

There are 4 stages to sleep:

 1. Awake

 This one usually refers to the time we spend awake before falling asleep in our beds.

 2. Light sleep

 You start to fall asleep. Your eyes get sleepy and you feel lighter. But still, you are not sleeping and can be distracted.

 3. Deep sleep

You are sleeping. At this stage, you are not aware of your surroundings. If somebody wakes you up at this stage, you will need some seconds to refresh. You will need some time to remember where you are and what is happening! Also, waking up in this stage is more difficult.

 4. Rem sleep

In this stage, you get completely detached from your surroundings! This is the stage where dreams happen! You can also experience vivid dreams in this part; Exciting, ha?

Well, now here are the different types of dreams we experience in the REM stage of our sleep:

  • False Dreams

 This Term refers to when you think you are awake but still actually sleeping. So, you are sleeping, but you are awake in the dream. This is one of the strange dreams that occurs many times in a person's life.

  • Recurring Dreams

One of the most common dreams that you can have! Dreams that keep coming back to you over and over. These can happen in the form of vivid nightmares or strange dreams that we can not explain clearly.

This is one of those types that makes you look for the meaning of your dreams. You will wonder why you have the same dream over and over!

 The main thing you should know is that these dreams are a cause of mental issues that you are dealing with. They can be a result of unresolved issues and hardships from your past that you are not over them yet!

5. Prophetic Dreams

 As the name suggests, prophetic dreams are those that hint at future events. They are prophecies, telling us what will become of our worries and expectations. Sometimes though, they may involve messages about things we are not expecting at all.

 They can be vivid dreams telling us ambiguous messages. Messages that answer the questions we have been asking ourselves.

 They can show us the right path or make us avoid a decision we've made.

6. Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are a type of dream in which the dreamer is aware they are dreaming. People who have lucid dreams can make decisions in their dreams. They can control them and pretty much decide what happens next.

Few people ever experience lucid dreaming. It only happens during a very, very deep state of sleep, which is the REM cycle.

There is still no certain evidence on why lucid dreams happen. One other thing is that in lucid dreams you do not experience many emotions, since you know you are dreaming.

7. Nightmares

 Nightmares are those strange dreams that we have once in a while. They are not always scary; they can be sad, tragic, and threatening as well.

Nightmares can seem very real. You can wake up from sleep and still feel scared, breathless, and anxious.

There are many reasons why nightmares happen in our sleep. Some of these include stress, anxiety, sleep disorder, and depression. Many people are not able to go back to sleep after having a nightmare.

25 Most common dreams and their meanings:

1- Being chased

The most common meaning of being chased in a dream is that you are avoiding an important issue in your life. It signifies that you are running away from your problems in real life. It shows that those problems are still present in your unconscious mind.

Your mind tries to go over the problem while you are asleep and try to solve it. This is what our mind does. It goes through our daily thoughts and processes them.

Now, dreaming of being chased might try to tell you to stop running from painful issues. You should step back and face what has been bothering you.

2- Losing Teeth

Do you dream about losing teeth? Well, there are many dream interpretations about tooth loss. But the most relatable and significant ones are lost in real life and sudden dramatic change.

Losing teeth in a dream can hint at the stressful situation one is experiencing at the time. Some people believe these dreams can refer to your personal and mental health as well.

3- Death

There are many various interpretations for dreaming about death. Many cultures have come up with different analyses. One of them is that if you dream of dying, then you will have a long life.

Also, if a person dreams they have died, they will experience some changes in their life. It means the issues they are dealing with will end soon.


There are several meanings behind dreaming of flying, based on how the dream was. One thing is that most flying dreams happen in lucid dreams. Experts believe that the main meaning behind dreaming of flying is that you feel free. It means you feel liberated and no longer have the limitations that used to bother you. Also, it can mean overcoming a problem and a period of anxiety.


Pregnancy is one of the most recurring dreams among people. Unlike what many people think, dreaming of pregnancy does not mean you will get pregnant in real life.

Pregnancy in a dream means that something in your life is developing. It shows that you are going through something in your life that involves process and growth.

6-Being Naked

This may seem a little out of nowhere, but dreaming about being naked is related to fear. If you dream of being naked, then it means you are afraid that something shameful might happen in your life. It also hints at being afraid to accept changes that are taking place around you. So, it points to the vulnerability that you are feeling in the depth of your consciousness.


Do you feel that you can no longer control your life? Do you feel overwhelmed? Then, that can be the main reason why you have been dreaming of falling recently.

Dream interpreters believe falling into a dream refers to a loss of control in real life. Loss of control over problems, situations, and difficulties.


If you have been recently dealing with violent dreams at night, then you should take life easy for a while. Dreams of violence show stress, anxiety, and intense emotions in real life.

These dreams refer to the conflict you are having inside yourself. They mean that your mind and emotions are experiencing a stressful time!


One of the most common recurring dreams and of course a nightmare; dreaming of Snakes!

If you have constant dreams of snakes, then you might be wondering about their meaning. Snake dreams refer to the toxic, humiliating, and nasty behavior of someone close to you. Someone who bothers you with their actions and words, and that upsets you.

In some rare cases, dreaming of snakes can hint at the health and well-being of the person who is dreaming. All these depend on the dream’s details.


Water in your dreams refers to your deepest and truest emotions. Dreaming of water also hints at unconscious emotions and feelings that run deep inside us. It could also symbolize healing and recovery.

There are theories and interpretations such as fear and hidden desires as well.

For example, if you dream you are in the water, it means you are being surrounded by your fears and desires. It also says that you are discovering what you want and love.


There are many reasons why one would dream of their ex-lover. It can refer to the desire and ambition to achieve more in life.

Dreaming of an ex-lover can also mean that you are not yet over that person and are dealing with their loss.

Another meaning says that dreaming of an ex-lover could refer to you and that part of your life when your ex was in it. In the depth of your mind, you fear you will get hurt again, or your current partner will break up with you.


There are many interpretations for dreaming of cats. One of the meanings is that you need more independence in your life, cats are independent animals, and this makes so much sense.

Dreaming of cats also has a spiritual meaning, they represent cleverness, curiosity, and wisdom. They show that you need to see the signs and trust your intuition.

In other cultures, though, cats are interpreted as thieves and deception. If you dream of a cat inside your home, then someone close to you is trying to deceive you.

13-The person you love

The main reason why you dream of someone you love is because you love them and want to be with them.

Some cultures believe that dreaming of the person you love means they are thinking about you. The interpretations do not vary so much from each other in different cultures. They mean you are attracted to that person and think of them so much that now you see them in your sleep.


The jungle symbolizes opportunities in real life. Dreaming of the jungle means you are facing several opportunities in your life. It could be in many aspects, but not all are safe and trustworthy.

Depending on how you see the dream, it can have positive and negative interpretations as well.

For example, if you see you are lost in the jungle and can not find your way out, it could mean you are unhappy with your job but cannot quit it.


Superpowers refer to strong belief and confidence in something.

If you are dreaming of superpowers, it hints at your personality. You have a confident and dominant character.

If you dream you have a superpower, it shows you are a person with goals and determination.


Dreaming of ghosts refers to some unfinished work or business in your real life.

You might need closure for a relationship. You might need to finish something you started before and move on to the next steps in your life.


Receiving money in your dream symbolizes self-confidence, self-worth, and belief. Dreaming of money could also show that you are in a proud and happy place in your life and feel good about yourself and your choices.


When someone dreams of fighting in their dream, they have been dealing with anger and frustration for some time. Dreaming of fighting refers to suppressed and hidden emotions in our minds and body that we do not have the chance to get out of our system.

Fighting also refers to problems you are dealing with in your life. If you fight back in your dream, it could mean that you feel confident about overcoming the issue.

But, if you run away from the fight, it means you avoid your problems and are afraid to face them.

19-Being lost

The simple interpretation for dreaming of being lost is that you are confused in your life. It means that you do not know how to get out of a situation that is bothering you. You are looking for a way out or a solution, but are unable to find it.

20-Talking to The Dead

If you dream you are talking to a dead friend or family in your sleep, then it means that you are missing them.

If the conversation does not involve any important information, it refers to the fact that you long to talk to them in real life.

Dreaming of talking to the dead also means that you are not yet over their loss. Your brain is trying to go through your feelings and the process of getting over them.

21-Being Haunted

This type of dream means you have some unfinished business that is making you anxious in life.

Dreaming of being haunted means that you are also worried about something that is bothering you.

22-Being Killed

This dream-like other dream can have different meanings based on the details of your dream.

Dreaming of being killed simply means that you are too worried and stressed in your life. It also means you are at the end of an era or chapter of your life.

One of the other common interpretations is that you are going through some dramatic changes.

23-Killing Someone close to you

The main interpretation for dreaming of killing someone close to you is that you have some unresolved anger towards them.

It tells you that you are angry, frustrated, and unhappy with that person and want to express your anger and emotions, so you can feel better.

24-Being Tortured

Dreaming of Being tortured is one of those weird dreams that can happen whenever we are going through some difficulty in our life.

It hints at the hard time the dreamer is experiencing and the difficulty they are dealing with in real life.

25-Being Rubbed

Getting rubbed in a dream could refer to some important issues in your life. If you are dreaming of being robbed, then you might have lost your power and now feel powerless. You have lost your job or your partner.

It could also mean that you feel endangered by some issues that are going on in your real life.

How can we interpret dreams?

If you are someone who has a lot of strange dreams, weird dreams, nightmares, lucid dreams, or many types of dreams, then you might wonder about their meanings and causes.

The images you see each night make you ask yourself what is the meaning of your dreams. They make you look for a way to interpret them and understand their messages.

Well, there are usually two ways to analyze a dream:

1-Scientific: Talking to therapists

2-Spiritual: Talking to people who are trained in spirituality

One other good way to understand the meaning of your dreams is to write them down. You can also write the emotion you were feeling in your dream.

After writing the dream down, you can read it several times and compare it with what is going on in your life. You can analyze the emotion you were feeling. See what might have caused such emotions in your dream.

What things in real life make you feel the same, or something close to it?

You could also ask yourself what that emotion you felt in your dream symbolizes in your real life. This could make the interpretation easier and more sensible.

One other method that people tend to use is seeing a psychic. Psychics have the knowledge and experience to interpret dreams and analyze their meanings in the best way possible. They could hint at why we have such dreams and how we can overcome them.

Other people talk to therapists to resolve the issues causing them to have recurring nightmares and different types of dreams.

Who is a reliable dream interpreter?

You can be the one who interprets your dreams. You know yourself and what is going on in your life. Furthermore, you have a deep sense of who you are. All you need to do is to try and understand the dream symbolism. You will do fine from there on!

There are many types of dream interpreters out there. This makes it hard to choose a good and reliable one. Usually, the best ones are psychics and mediums, who get their knowledge from spiritual connections and readings.

So, if you want to make sure what your dreams are telling you, there are people who can guide you through it.

They lead and interpret dreams based on the experience they have had with so many other people like you.


According to all the interpretations we went through, you should know that dreams' interpretations can differ based on what is going on in your life.

So, next time you have a nightmare, a weird dream, or some strange dream, stop and take a look at your life. Consider your mental and physical health, and how your feelings and emotions affect them. This will help you feel less afraid and uncomfortable.

Do not forget that dreams always have a message for you. Spiritual or scientific, they are messages from the depth of your soul guiding you through life.

Now, how about you, have you ever had a strange dream? Do you have recurring dreams? Do you interpret your dreams? Do you ask for help from a psychic or a therapist? Share your experience with us!

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