7 Easy ways to open your third EYE with no side effects
January 2, 2023, By Falgir Editorial Staff
Table of contents:
What is a third EYE?
Third eye gland
Third eye color
Third eye zodiac sign
Some famous people with open third eye
Jim Carrey
Benefits of opening your third eye
Is it dangerous to open your third eye?
Tips on opening your third eye
Bigu diet
Hot to do a third eye Meditation
Consume a balanced diet
Practice Kundalini YOGA
Third eye meditation
If you are advanced try “Bigu” diet
Be patient
Interpret the spiritual meaning of dreams
Clear your body of negative energy
3 TIPS on how to find your medium powers
Practice Silent Meditation
Have a Clear Understanding of Your Psychic Abilities
Access to the Right Tools
Tests and practices to improve psychic abilities
Here is all you need to know about the THIRD EYE
Have you ever thought you have a sixth sense? Is there anything you can predict that makes sense to you? Your forehead holds the answer. It is called your third eye. In this article, we are going to fully discuss
The third eye
The pros and cons of an open third eye
Tips on how to awaken your third eye
How to unblock your chakra powers along with a lot of examples and true stories
Now let’s begin with WHAT a THIRD EYE is.
What is the third EYE? Clear explanation with examples
In spiritual terms, the third eye is also known as the 6th Chakra, and it connects the physical body with the spiritual realm. Knowledge and insight are symbols of the third eye chakra.
According to Wikipedia, the third eye (also called the mind's eye or inner eye) is a mystical concept of an invisible eye that is located on the forehead and provides perception beyond ordinary sight.
VeryWellFit also says that the third eye is the Ajna chakra. Though it is not visible, it plays a vital role in regulating how prana (energy) moves throughout the body. According to Hindu tradition, it is one of the seven chakras.
Let’s have a look at this explanation with describes the third eye concept from a functional perspective:
In order to get a clear understanding of the third eye and its power, we must first understand that the universe we live in is an ocean of energy and frequencies. Where we psychically live, is just a small slice of the universal frequencies. This picture shows how small our living world and vision range is compared to the whole universe.
Our 2 worldly eyes can only see things that are in 2 dimensions, just as our ears are limited to hearing sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hz.
The third Eye refers to an actual organ in the middle of our head that is capable of viewing a much broader spectrum of frequencies than the naked eye is. If the organ is highly developed, it may be possible to see much further into the realms of higher frequencies. The lower and higher frequencies of the universe contain information, intelligence, and other beings that we cannot see.
In a nutshell, the sensory eyes can grasp anything that is physical. To see something that isn't physical, you must look inward. Symbolically, the "third eye" represents seeing something that the two sensory eyes cannot.
Where is the third eye gland located?
It is interesting to know that our third eye locates in our brain and more specifically in our pineal gland. The pineal gland chakra is described as the “Seat of the Soul” and is located in the center of the brain. Pineal glands are mainly responsible for transmitting information from the environment to the brain to produce the hormone melatonin and secrete it.
What color is the third eye chakra? a sign of WISDOM
Purple. In a general sense, the third eye chakra is connected to subconscious knowledge and sensory perception. There is something mystical and magical about purple. It is the color of wisdom and enlightenment.
What is the third eye chakra zodiac sign?
As you may be aware, each zodiac sign is strong at a specific chakra. Cancer is Influenced by the sixth chakra and is strong on the third eye chakra. Cancerians are believed to have visions more than the other zodiac signs.
Who is Shiva the three-eyed? The Hindu god with spiritual vision
According to stories, Lord Shiva is a famous Hindu god. Its big difference from the other Hindu gods is that it is the only god with a 3rd eye. There is a story saying that Shiva once burned the Kama who shot an arrow to his heart into ashes and that it was his 3rd eye that helped him fight the devil.
Some famous people with open third eye
Jim Carrey's story about opening his third eye
Jim Carrey announced to the world that he is a conscious being. Carrey found this to be very true, and this is what happened to him during his awakening:
A dull sensation of pressure between his eyebrows. At first, he could not understand what was going on but after almost a year of meditation, he experienced a spiritual awakening that was very intense.
Increased intuition. From his childhood, he had some intuition that he knew what was going to happen but he always used to ignore them. Now after practicing, he knows how to get guidance from every intuition he receives.
He started to have visions of colors and shapes either in circles or shade lines. The colors were yellow, different blues, and purple. At first, these colors were not stable. They just came and immediately left. They flashed out from above the forehead. While having these visions, he was experiencing extreme happiness and enlightenment. So he had a desire to have these visions more frequently.
Jim is so brave because he was able to have deep self-realization and share his journey with the world. If you are interested in knowing more about what he went through during this journey, I strongly suggest you have a look at this video which explains how Jim Carrey opened his third eye chakra in detail.
What are some benefits of unlocking your third eye?
Spiritual Perception
Higher states of consciousness
Inner Intelligence
Less anxiety and negative thinking
More attraction for better relationships
Unlocking your infinite potential
Knowing the best life path
Learning to manifest your dreams and living a more successful life
Knowing hidden and missing things and people
Mind reading
knowing the past, present, and future
Is it dangerous to open your third eye? Never force it!
If your 6th Chakra is blocked, your psychic abilities decrease; but this does not mean that you should force your third eye to open. I highly recommend that if you do not experience or feel anything with your 6th sense, do not deeply research this topic and force yourself to unblock your chakra. If you do so, there is a big chance of experiencing some or any of the side effects below:
Difficulties of falling asleep
Vivid and strange nightmare
Increased level of anxiety
Weight loss
Experiencing fear
Detachment of reality
So with all these explanations, I think you should have noted how critical and helpful opening your 3rd eye can be and at the same time how dangerous forcing it to open is. But the BIG question is how to practice opening my third eye without facing any issues.
Here are 8 tips on activating your third eye
1-Practice Third Eye Meditation
Try to meditate and focus on your 6th Chakra which is exactly in the center of your forehead and between your eyebrows. It may seem difficult at first but there are some tools that can help you work on your meditation skills. Like any other kind of meditation, you should find a quiet place and free your mind from all the sounds and distractions around you. Afterward, you should take a deep breath. Through the nose, inhale and exhale. Try to look up at your third eye, located just between your eyebrows, with your eyes still closed. To locate the exact point, you can also use your fingers.
2-Consume a balanced diet
Your diet plays an important role in both your mental and psychical health. There are some ingredients that help the purification of your chakra energy and act as a detox for your body such as:
Raw cacao
Sweet potatoes
Raw apple cider vinegar
Hemp seeds
Coconut oil
Vitamin D
3-Practice Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga is a more spiritual form of yoga than other forms. In contrast to other forms of yoga that flow with the breath, Kundalini yoga incorporates chanting, singing, movement, and breathing in specific patterns. The goal is to attain spiritual enlightenment through meditation.
Doing yoga is a perfect way to balance both your mind and body, especially Kundalini yoga.
There's a synergy between Bhakti yoga (the spiritual practice of devotion and chanting), Raja yoga (meditation/mental and physical control), and Shakti yoga (powerful energetic expression).
When you finish Kundalini yoga class, you'll feel like you went to therapy or did an awesome workout in the gym. Kundalini yoga is designed to help people realize their maximum creative potential, free themselves from negative Karma, and achieve their life purpose. There are some yoga poses that can help you activate your 3rd eye chakra.
4-Crystal Meditation
Make use of crystal healing energies. They can also open your third eye. Look for purple, violet crystals, and gemstones. When you meditate, hold a crystal or gemstone between your eyebrows and slightly above them.
5-If you are advanced try the “Bigu” diet
Try a “Bigu” diet or 'grain avoidance'. As part of Taoism's ancient practice, participants refrain from eating the 'five grains' - rice, wheat, soybeans, etc.
6-Be patient
Do not give up on practicing. There is no fixed rule on how long it takes for you to activate your third eye. It may be 1 day,1 week, or 1 year from person to person. You need to be patient with the progress you make.
7-Dream Interpretation
Interpret your dreams as they can tell you a lot. Even if they are confusing or terrifying do not underestimate them and try to find a pattern of what you dream. They are signs you should not ignore.(link to another article of ours about dream interpretation-Hajar is going to write about it)
8-Clear your body of negative energy
Try to train your mind to invest in positive thoughts and clear your body of negative energy. Once you try it, your stress level and anxiety are reduced. Negative energy acts as a blocking wall to gaining insight and mindfulness.
Last but not least, you can see the world in a whole new way if your third-eye chakra is clear and open. Remember having your third eye open is not something easy. While not everyone can achieve this intuition and supernatural experience, speaking with a psychic who has this ability can help you achieve it. It's because they are able to see and feel things that you cannot. If you would like to find psychics with their 6th chakra actively open, feel Our specially gifted psychics are available to meet with you online through Falgir.com.
Leave us a review if you have ever had any experience with your 3rd eye? Do you think you have the potential to awaken your third eye power? Tell us!